Saturday 9 July 2016

Hello World!

Hello World! (Small Human Person says this is the first thing you should say, and of course I do as I'm told.)

Terry M:
Hello Kiri, welcome!

Kiri ... remind me please ... when is it exactly that you do as you're told? I must have missed that occasion.

Laura S:
I do hope Kiri will accept this request. She would not be my first canine FB friend, there are other equally mad dog owners here, you know :)

Hello Laura! It's only cat owners who are mad, you know. Dog owners are completely sane.

Laura S:
Woof, Kiri!

Serena B:
I hope she will accept my friendship, as well, and that she won't be too worried by the cat sitting on my lap!

Hello Serena! It's ok - I am fascinated by cats. My favourite hobby is staring at SmallCat who lives with my humans. SmallCat likes staring back at me, so we have a shared hobby. I hope we'll be friends. Please say hello to your cat from me.
(There's also LargeCat living with us, but he just ignores me. I think we'll be friends.)

Serena B:
Freddie says hello to you, as well!

John F:
With eye markings like Kiri's, who can resist?

LargeHuman Person, who lives with us, isn't as polite as you, John. He says I have a clown face. Oh, but maybe that's a good thing. I don't know what a clown is. Is it like a rabbit?

John F:
Sort of like a rabbit, but clowns tend to wear over-sized shoes. This slows them down and makes then easier to catch.

KIRI: Do they leave tasty little round dog-treats for me to eat? That's why I like rabbits!

John f:
If that's the case - do NOT chase clowns!

Oh goodness. I didn't realise she'd be so talkative. Hush, Kiri - some of us have work to do! 
(Life if becoming more surreal than usual. Kiri and I are using different browsers for our FB accounts, on my tablet and laptop, so as to keep them separate, but my main desktop PC seems to have picked up all that stuff and had logged me out of FB while I was on the other devices. So if you ever see a message from Kiri that should have been from me - or vice versa - you'll understand what's happened.)

Terry M:
Brandon doesn't have his own page since most of what I write is about him, but I will pass on all Kiri's information.

Jude A:
I`ve been toying with a Daniel Dogface page for a while ... perhaps a blog about his night-time exploits down the bus stop ... but no, it`s just too silly :) Wishing Kiri all the best with her page, she`s so beautiful, she could go viral!! x

I met Daniel Dogface the other day! I like him!

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