Sunday 10 July 2016

Romans and Rabbits


Small Human Person took me - and Old Creaky Dog - to the place we go every morning. We love it! There are hundreds of rabbits who leave treats for us, and they make it even more fun by running so that I can chase them! I hope I can catch one. I want it to be my friend! We go in this little field that's different from all the other fields 'cause it's got deep trenches and ridges all over, and bits of old walls. It's great fun to run up and down and then into the long grass where I can hide until Small Human Person calls me , when I jump out and go bounding towards her and pretend to knock her over! It's great! Sometimes I do knock old Creaky Dog over, but he's too easy to knock over and anyway he doesn't seem to mind. I like him. He's my Friend!

 It's not just any field, Kiri - it's the ruins of a small Roman fort, built by Roman soldiers long ago.

I don't know what that means. Did they make it for their dogs?

 Well ...I'm sure they had dogs, and the dogs would have run about there, but the walls were much bigger back then - like little houses. And soldiers. 

So they made little houses and a nice lumpy field for their dogs! I like Roman soldiers! I want them to be my friends!

Did they have rabbits?
 <sigh> Yes, there have always been rabbits. The Roman soldiers caught them and ate them.

Serena B:
 In fact, it was the Romans who brought the rabbits here, so they could eat them - and, not doubt, so that their dogs could chase them...

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